Tor-Morten Kvam

Work experience
2007-2008: Intern at Ostfold Hospital: Medical, Surgical and Psychiatric Departments
2008-2009: Intern at Fredrikstad municipality (general practice)
2009-2012: Resident at Ostfold Hospital, Psychiatric Department, Veum Psychiatric Hospital
2012-2013: Resident at Ostfold Hospital, Psychiatric Department, Moss District Psychiatric Center
2014-present: Psychiatrist at Ostfold Hospital, Psychiatric Department, Moss District Psychiatric Center

2000-2007: Medical school, including a research programme (2002-2007).
2009-2014: Specialization in psychiatry

2014: Approved as a psychiatrist
2014: Education in psychoeducative family therapy for patients with psychosis and their family members
2015: Approved as a cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) therapist, after completing education over two years
2017: Good clinical practice (GCP) sertificate